Rack Mount Chassis 14 Slot MC-1400-5V for Media Converter (MCCHASSIS14) Products
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Name Rack Mount Chassis 14 Slot MC-1400-5V for Media Converter
Secondary Name Rack Mount Chassis 14 Slot MC-1400-5V for Media Converter
Type Standard
Brand OEM
Category Network Accessories
subcategory Rack Mount Chassis for Media Converter
Price 5,500.00
Tax Rate No Tax
Tax Method Exclusive
Unit PCS (PCS)
In Stock No
Product Details

Rack mountable enclosure MC-1400-5V for media converter has 14 ports with 2 fan, with 2 power supplies 5V/12A and redundant power included, European adapter, 3U 19" rack mount, 5 Volt power.

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